Departments, Programs & Services
Updated 7/1/2021
Here you will find a list of all Tribal Departments, Programs & Services. For more information about departments or services offered, click on the Department, Program or Service title to be taken to the specific webpage.
To contact a Department, Program or Service, you can use the contact form or phone number on the specific webpage or call (360) 652-7362 and the receptionist will forward your call.
Departments, Programs & Services Listing
Not all Departments, Programs & Services have a webpage
- Accounting Department
- Behavioral Health Program
- Board of Directors
- Business Development Department
- Business Licensing & Tax Commission
- Communications Department
- Courts & Justice
- Cultural Resources Department
- Daycare Program
- Elder's Program
- Enrollment Department
- Family Resources Department
- Festival of the River
- Gaming Commission
- Housing Department
- Human Resources Department
- Indian Child Welfare (t̓ix̌dxʷ bədbədaʔ)
- Island Crossing Counseling Services
- Legal Department
- Kitchen
- Massage Therapy Clinic
- Natural Resources Department
- North Intertribal Vocational Rehab Program
- Outdoor Media
- Planning Department
- Police Department
- River Rock Tobacco & Fuel
- S.T.A.R (Stillaguamish Tribe Auto Repair)
- Transportation Department
- Tribal Government
- Wellness Clinic
- Youth Services Department

3322 236th ST NE
Arlington, WA 98223
(360) 652-7362