stuləgʷábš (People of the River)
Many centuries ago, long before forests and grasslands were replaced with asphalt, our ancestors celebrated the journey of life and lived from the resources this land provides. As their children played and learned about nature, the adults would hunt, fish, and handcraft items for daily survival. Festively, they would periodically gather to celebrate and give thanks for all they had. We, their descendants, the Stillaguamish people reverently celebrate the rich culture and history that was and still is, ours.
Today, the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians, a sovereign, federally recognized native tribe, is committed to serving our members, preserving our culture, and continuing the stewardship of our native lands.
With great honor and pride, we celebrate our past, we look to the future.
Recent Blog Posts:

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236th Street NE Corridor Improvements Project – APWA Project of the Year Award Winner

Holiday Giving 2023

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The Duck Days of Summer
Jobs at Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians

3322 236th ST NE
Arlington, WA 98223
(360) 652-7362